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430 projects

    1. Partner

      Flexible and Autonomous Manufacturing Systems for Custom-Designed Products

      Industry 4.0 has now extended its focus to a broader set of technologies rather than just CPS, and to the most vital processes included in the product and production systems lifecycle, rather than...

    1. Partner

      Developing optoelectronics in two-dimensional semiconductors

      Atomically thin, two-dimensional semiconductors (2DS) show exceptionally strong light-matter interaction and opened the door to new ways of controlling electrical and optical properties through the...

    1. Partner


      Expertise in nuclear and radiochemistry (NRC) is of strategic relevance in the nuclear energy sector and in many vital applications. The need for radiochemistry expertise will even increase as the...

    1. Partner

      Affordable zero energy buildings

      This project aims to achieve significant construction and lifecycle cost reductions of new NZEB’s through integral process optimization in all construction phases. The main objectives are: To develop...

    1. Coordinator

      ABC 21
      Africa-Europe BioClimatic buildings for XXI century

      The negative impact of Climate Change on warm weather regions is undeniable, yet more and more inadequate design solutions are being adopted by these regions on account of globalization trends, thus...

    1. Partner

      Anticipatory Networking Techniques in 5G and Beyond

      The rapid growth in mobile network data traffic contributed to the unprecedented speed of 4G LTE adoption, creating the need of sustainable capacity growth in next generation of wireless systems,...

    1. Coordinator

      AI REGIO
      Regions and DIHs alliance for AI-driven digital transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs

      The AI REGIO project aims at filling 3 major gaps currently preventing AI-driven DIHs from implementing fully effective digital transformation pathways for their Manufacturing SMEs: at policy level...

    1. Coordinator

      Artificial Intelligence in Secure PRIvacy-preserving computing coNTinuum

      Artificial Intelligence (AI), to become fully pervasive, needs resources at the edge of the network. The cloud can provide the processing power needed for big data, but edge computing is close to...

    1. Third Party

      Artificial Intelligence for Digitizing Industry

      Europe has a lack of intellectual property in integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into digital applications. This is critical since the automatization reached saturated levels and AI in...

    1. Partner

      A secure and reusable Artificial Intelligence platform for Edge computing in beyond 5G Networks

      Artificial Intelligence has become a major innovative force and it is one of the pillars of the fourth industrial revolution. This trend has been acknowledged also by the European Commission that has...