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The Politecnico


Politecnico di Milano latest news


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Quantum mechanics: towards control of chemical reactions

Politecnico and CNR in international study published in Nature

Politecnico di Milano obtains gender equality certification

RINA certified Politecnico’s action plan and gender equality management system’s quality

Green Transition

Estimating car emissions with new algorithms to promote ecological transition

An innovative system that measures emissions based on driving style and promotes more sustainable mobility without forcing people to change vehicles

One Health

Surgical innovation: intelligent turbine insufflator is here

Introducing device that can adapt pressure in real time thanks to international collaboration

See also


Press releases

All the releases for the press by Politecnico di Milano


Frontiere (copy 1)

Journey into the research of Politecnico di Milano


Progress in Research

Research on scientific development issues and frontier technology, defined by the European Commission as part of the Recovery Plan for recovery and the resilience of Europe.