The information provided about the programme refers to the academic year 2024/25 and may be subject to change in the academic year 2025/26.
A Bachelor Degree in one of the main subjects related to the programme (Urban planning, Architecture, Engineering, Sociology and Social Sciences, Geography, Economics, Political Sciences and Environmental Science). A Committee will evaluate students with a different background case by case. Architects are required to produce a portfolio.
Laurea magistrale programmes under the School of Architecture accept students only in the first semester of the academic year (September intake)
Mission and goals
In the urban planning spectrum, on the one hand, consolidation of a series of urban management activities that require advanced interpretation and application can be identified: the development of general urban planning tools; infrastructural, housing, transport, services and environmental policies; management of complex programmes and projects. On the other hand, the demand for new urban and territorial policies that require specific professional competence is increasing. This Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) offers an advanced academic route in designing spatial arrangements and urban policies, to transform and manage the city, territory and environment.
Urbanism, Urban planning and design, Urban policies, Planning theory and practice, Policy analysis, Contemporary city, Infrastructure planning and design, Energy and urban planning, Housing and neighbourhoods, Regional economics, European economics and welfare, Urban ethnography, Conflicts management, Land use ethics and the law, Smart cities and urban innovation, Techniques of urban simulation, Assessment of urban transformations.
Career opportunities
The main professional opportunities for Laurea Magistrale graduates are in the free-lance sector (after having sat the professional examinations) and in institutions and public and private bodies operating to transform and manage the city, territory and environment.
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