Mission and goals
The programme provides the student with a solid basic technical-scientific background which makes the aerospace engineer a particularly versatile professional with a preparation, according to courses followed, focused on aircraft and space systems design, operation and maintenance. In addition to knowledge common to all industrial engineering, the preparation of an aerospace engineer includes the study of flight mechanics, aerospace technologies, aerospace propulsion systems and on-board systems. In particular, the student acquires the engineering mentality of industrial engineers, using the aerospace context and applications as a study and educational environment.
Career opportunities
The graduate in Aerospace Engineering typically finds employment in aircraft and aircraft engine construction industries as well as those involved in space vehicles and their components; in aerospace related industries; in companies managing and maintaining aircraft fleets; in air transport service companies.
Possible further education
Subject to evaluation of their academic curriculum, graduates in Aerospace Engineering may continue their studies with a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Aeronautical or Space Engineering. With admission always subject to an evaluation, graduates may choose other Master of Science programmes or 1st level Specializing Masters.