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My research topics are about Circular Economy (CE) and Application of Digital Technologies, specifically Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Digital Twin (DT) in the Architecture, Built Environment, and Construction Engineering

I come from HAMEDAN - IRAN

I can speak Persian, English, and Italian

I chose PoliMi for its strong reputation, outstanding professors, and infrastructure, which I believe will boost my future career prospects, whether in industry or academia. The university's connections with international institutions also provide valuable networking opportunities

I like PoliMi because it has an international community, which means I get to experience different cultures and languages. Also, it’s in Milan, which is a great city with a rich history, amazing food and design. It’s a really inspiring place to be. The university also helps you develop as a person outside of your studies

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Laboratory: Prof Valter Carvelli's group

My research topics: Modelling of Smart Composite Structures for Large Offshore Wind Turbine Blades

I come from CHINA

I speak Chinese and English

I chose Polimi because the research project perfectly integrates my academic and industrial backgrounds. Additionally, Polimi’s strong global reputation in engineering disciplines, along with its extensive partnerships with other renowned universities and institutions worldwide, significantly influenced my decision. Milan, as a vibrant Italian city, also offers a unique cultural experience that I am eager to explore

I like Polimi because my department is interdisciplinary, fostering the exchange of ideas among great minds, which is always inspiring. Professors, colleagues, and administrative staff at Polimi are very supportive. We have numerous opportunities to take various courses, attend summer schools, participate in conferences, collaborate with renowned experts, and engage in other activities both within Italy and internationally

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My research topic: Assessment of Sub-regional Policy Impact


I speak Indonesian and English

I chose Polimi because it hosts some of the best regional economists in Europe. As a regional economist, doing a PhD in Polimi allows me to meet and to learn from the best. Being in such a place also makes possible to build a network with equally competent and motivated colleagues

I like Polimi because a lot of things! Polimi has a friendly and socially healthy working environment. It also offers a lot of interdisciplinary courses that gives me new perspectives to enrich and inspire my work, and also softskill courses to prepare me for future academic career

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My research topics: integrating Artificial Intelligence of Things into construction management, specifically exploring how AI can optimize safety and productivity on construction sites

I come from IRAN

I am fluent in Farsi and proficient in English, Italian, and German

I chose the Polytechnic University of Milan for its prestigious reputation and innovative research environment, which perfectly aligns with my interests in integrating technology and architecture. Additionally, Polimi's commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration and its state-of-the-art facilities made it an ideal institution for pursuing my academic and research goals. Moreover, Milan is not only a beautiful and cosmopolitan city but also a place that prepares you for the next chapter of life with its diverse opportunities and experiences

I am grateful to the Polytechnic University of Milan for its cutting-edge research facilities as well as the numerous chances for multidisciplinary collaboration and professional advancement that have supported me on my journey

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My research topics: framework for virtual homologation of automated and autonomous vehicles. Uncertainty quantification, causal inference

I come from LUCKNOW, INDIA

I speak Italian, Hindi and English

I chose Polimi because it is amongst the top 20 universities for Engineering and Technology in the world. It is located in the vibrant city of Milan. A lot of opportunities are open up because of the reputation and preparation provided by the institute

I like Polimi because of its innovative and flexible curriculum. Having like-minded colleagues and those from different backgrounds is an asset in finding solutions to most of the problems one faces during the PhD. Being a part of a great network, most of the state-of-the-art laboratories are available for carrying out the research

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Laboratory: VENTO research group

My research topics: I am passionate about the cognitive and relational dimensions of places. My research explores concepts of place identities and place attachment within urban planning field. Particularly, I am studying how perceptions of places and emotional bonds between people and their environments can play a role in territorial regeneration strategies

I am originally from Naples, in southern Italy

I am fluent in Italian, English, Spanish, and have a basic knowledge of Portuguese

I chose Polimi for the opportunities that the University and the city of Milan offer. Throughout my academic journey, Politecnico di Milano has allowed me to cultivate my passions and curiosities through various international professional and research activities

I like Polimi for its vibrant, international, and challenging environment

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